
Websites Criteria

1- Concept / Creativity: ( 20% )

  • Innovative ideas that lead to final design solution
  • Original solutions for interactivity

2- Technical / Ease of use / Navigation ( 25% )

  • Outstanding use of special software applications
    • Data base
    • Language used: ex . net frame work ( ASP, ADO,C# VB ) PERL ( CGI … etc ) JAVA Script + more…etc. (.Net, JSP, EJB, Perl, PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, SQL, C, C++, Visual Basic, HTML/HTTP, XML, DHTML, WAP, CSS, SSL)
  • Compatibility and adaptation of the design.

3- Content/Structure: (25%)

  • Hierarchy
  • Organization:
    • of links
    • of contents
    • Of Data
  • Functionality:
    • Easy navigation & user friendly
    • Accessibility of the website (KB size)
      • HTML (asp, php, cgi, xml, sql …etc) formats preferably should not exceed 60KB/webpage in each website.
      • Flash animation
  • Consistency:
    • In design of all the inner and outer web pages of the website.

4- Visual design solution/Aesthetics (20%)

  • Proper application of design principles: Harmony, balance, color scheme, contrast.
  • Interactivity of type and image.
  • Sequential design: visual links between main page and inside pages with the respect of the site brand and identity.

5- Interactivity (10%)

  • Building interesting valuable experience: Control, creativity, productivity, communication, adaptation.

Mobile applications Criteria

1-Features (20%)    
“Alignment with Apps Objectives
Facilities provided reaches goals
Innovation and creativity”

2-Ease of use (25%)     
Usability and efficiency
Number of steps required
Ease in accomplishing tasks
Proper application of design principles”

3-Reliability (20%)    
“Battery Usage
Stability, Crashing and Errors
Memory, CPU and RAM usage
Rate of data usage”

4-Compatibility across Platforms (10%)    
“Availability on wide range of platforms
Frequency of updates
Off-line availability”

5-Social Media Integration (15%)    
Implemented technological innovations”

6-Number of Downloads (10%)    
“Spread out of the application
Higher Reach”